Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Master Mind Groups: More Brain Power!

About a year ago I started a Master Mind Group to help me develop my business...any business! I was frustrated with my job because my education was taking long and it felt like life was passing me by.

I think the first use of a Master Mind Group was from Napoleon Hills book "Think and Grow Rich".

I put an ad up on Kijiji.com and a week later I had one person interested.

We met for coffee first just as an interview to see if we got along with each other. Then we set a date for a first meeting.

At that first meeting we developed our basic rules of the group.

The point of the group was to help each other brainstorm and hold each other accountable to our actions. Actions are the core of our group because without actions all the planning in the world will not help you achieve your goals.

We have since rotated our 2 members that didn't feel the group was for them and we currently have 3 steady members. We do hope to find a 4th to add some variety to the discussions.

Our basic meeting Agenda is:

1) Wins of last week - We each take a turn stating the good things that happened concerning our actions for last week. Max 1 minute per person.

2) Challenges with completing your actions - If you had any trouble completing an action from last week now is the time to tell the group and get feedback or full out brainstorming session. 5-30 minutes per person, less if the group is more than 3-4 people.

3) Actions for next week - Based on the discussion at the meeting you make generate new actions or decide to do last weeks actions again. 1-5min per person as some discussion may happen.

4) Other business - a place for quick discussion of when your next meeting will be and anything that does not fit above.

Each week different member chairs the meeting so no one is the leader of the group. I feel this is important so people can better open up about business and life issues in a group of even peers.

Have a great day!

Monday, October 27, 2014

Two Major Keys to Online Marketing


So yesterday I started following my new business action list. I created my list last week it was a bit of a long process but my logical and semi-OCD mind needs the structure to get me going so I don't spend all my time preparing to work. A person can only make money by doing actions!


Goals - specific if you can not just "travel" or "make money" but go on a trip every 6 months and make $5,000/month extra.

Strategies - The general ways you plan to achieve your goals. Example: Build my affiliate marketing business and my MLM business online

Tactics - Specific ways developed from your strategies. Example: Use social networking, use e-mail lists, use PPC

Actions - These are very specific actions that you will list as your daily tasks to achieve your goals and listing a time for each action will help you. Example: check PPC ad campaigns (1-5min), make blog post (5-30min), phone leads generated (15-60min).

This should be only a page or two and you should update/review your document often so you can adapt to changing situations.

I like to keep my list right in front of me while I work on my business stuff like a check list. The faster I complete each action the more money I will make.

I also like to put a reward section at the end so I have something to look forward to!


Work your action list! No procrastinating. If you can't do it every day put it into your schedule where you can the point is constancy because the more you work your business the better chance of making money you will have.

I developed this list as part of my MasterMind group I started last year. I will talk more about MasterMind groups in tomorrows post!

Have a great day!

Sunday, October 26, 2014

New Facebook Ad

Well I'm back on the online marketing wagon!

I took a break to learn and stabilize a busy home life. I always say the longer you stay in one place or stay at one job the more stable you become. Although stability is not growth and to grow takes risks!

I forgot about the fuzzy nature of setting up a Pay Per Click (PPC) ads. I tried to use one of the free images they supply and thought that would be fine. NO, wrong! lol Turns out they don't allow pictures with more than 20% text even though the picture I chose the text was very small and completely unreadable.

Well we will see what happens.

Ad details:
1 week
Max budget of $100
Advertising my new e-book that has taken over my TailgateMoney.com website.

Have a great day!