Friday, November 21, 2014

First Payday From JuicePlus+

So this week I received my first cheque from JuicePlus+! This is proof that this business is not a scam.
cheque from JuicePlus+ for $97 next to a bag of JuicePlus+ Garden Blend chewables
Ian's first JuicePlus+ cheque for $97!
Now I just need to build my audience and customer base. I have been building a Facebook audience with PPC advertising on Facebook and now it's at about 140 likes but these likes have not yet turned into sales. In addition I have also just update most of my blogs to better funnel customers to the website I created. I have also stared to use Pinterest to build an audience.

Please share my card with all your friends that may be trying to live a healthier lifestyle. Or better yet how would you like to join my team? Remember to be a distributor you must first become a customer.

picture of a JuicePlus+ business card

Have a great day!

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